Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dr. Emmet Fox: Minister, Author, Teacher, Healer, Mystic

A friend just emailed this to me and I thought I would share it. Emmet Fox is a well known healer and early New Thought minister, bio and works below. He is the author of the booklet, "The Golden Key" which many of you read when you joined the group. It is a simple method of thought displacement that has helped countless people to attain peace of mind. If you would like a copy of it, send an email request to me at - Rev. Cheryl

Love -by Emmet Fox
There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer;
No disease that enough love will not heal;
No door that enough love will not open;
No gulf that enough love will not bridge;
No wall that enough love will not throw down;
No sin that enough love will not redeem . . .
It makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble,
How hopeless the outlook,
How muddle the tangle,
How great the mistake,
A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all . . .
If only you could love enough you would be the happiest and most powerful being in the world.

(1886 - 1951)

His New York City Ministry Touched The World (1931-1951)

From: Emmet Fox His Life Story
Dr. Emmet Fox was a Minister, Author, Teacher, Healer and Mystic. Emmet Fox, probably more than any other New Thought leader has influenced more people simple because, in his day he attracted wider audiences than anyone else for longer periods of time. To this day, Emmet Fox is read more widely and is understood more clearly than any other New Thought writer.

Closet readers of Dr. Fox can be found in the Episcopal, Catholic, Baptist and Methodist churches, among others. His objective, as a New Thought teacher has always been, not to establish yet another religion, not to establish yet another set of religious doctrines, but to encourage individuals, whether they attend church or not, to develop their own creative power and to personally understand what God is, and what God is all about, and then to be able to relate that to their own lives. In His day, and to this day, Emmet Fox reached more people because he had a talent to speak and write with great clarity, and in a very dynamic way. His message was simple and direct. He said, "Sooner or later you will have to put God first in your life, God must become the only thing that really matters. It need not be and better not be the only thing in your life, but it must be the first thing." He said, "when that happens your life becomes simple, richer and infinitely more worthwhile." He brought new meaning to millions of people around the globe with his golden keys of health, inner peace and success.

In 1931, he became the pastor of The Church of the Healing Christ in New York city, founded by Dr. W. John Murray in 1906, and was called The First Church of Divine Science, in New York City. He was ordained a Divine Science Minister by Dr. Nona Brooks. This was the beginning of one of the most remarkable ministries in America. His Sunday morning lectures at the Hippodrome Theatre, the Manhattan Opera House and Carnegie Hall were attended by over 5000 people. His meditations were powerful and his sermons never lasted more than twenty minutes. He spoke to, and of God in the most personal and intimate terms. Over six hundred thousand copies of his book "Sermon on the Mount" have been distributed and are still popular today. It is in this remarkable book that he reveals a source of universal power that is rightly yours. "This power," states Dr. Fox, "is the real source of all things that exist. It needs only to flow into your being and transform itself into health, into true prosperity, into inspiration, or into anything else you may be needing. The power is there. It is present everywhere. It belongs to nobody in particular because it belongs to all. It is waiting at all times for men and women to call it into use -not merely in crisis, but in every problem however small every day of your life."

"The fact that most people do not suspect the existence of this Power does not change the fact that it is there," says Dr. Fox. "Remember that hardly anyone except a few philosophers suspected the existence of electricity, or the power of the steam, until a few generations ago, then these things were brought into the service of man and have transformed the world. The laws of Nature were just the same then as they are now; only people did not know that such a force existed, and so they had to go without. I believe many of the limitations and difficulties that people take for granted will be things of the past." In this book, Emmet Fox gives the keys to success in life by tapping into the realm of Infinite power. He teaches that man is a child of a perfect God.

Over one half million copies of "Power Through Constructive Thinking" are in circulation. It can be conservatively estimated, that the books and pamphlets he has written have come into the hands of tens of millions of people. His booklet The Golden Key, has topped all sales of new thought books worldwide and continues to be the most sought after booklet in his collection of writings. Dr. Fox was born in Ireland, raised in England, he ministered in America and made his transition in France.

The theme of his teachings is Life is Consciousness and we are what we think. He emphasized that if we want to change our life, we must change our thoughts first. We set forth our own destiny by our thoughts, words, and actions. That there is only one presence and power in the universe, God, all else is an illusion. He gave us the Golden Key. "Love is by far the most important thing of all", he said, "It is the golden gate of paradise. Pray for the understanding of Love, and meditate upon it daily. It casts out fear. It is the fulfilling of the law. Love is absolutely invincible."

"Emmet Fox left a mark. Life has been richer for hundreds of thousands of people, because he lived. He built his church on consciousness, knowing that God is instantly available and everywhere present. Like Peter, he built his church upon a rock, the rock of understanding that God is the only power and the only presence.”

from: Emmet Fox homepage at
Emmet Fox was born in Ireland on July 30, 1886, was educated in England, pursued his spiritual career mostly in the United States, and died in France on August 13, 1951.

His father, who died before Fox was ten, was a physician and member of Parliament. Fox attended Stamford Hill Jesuit college near London, and became an electrical engineer. However, he early discovered that he had healing power, and from the time of his late teens studied New Thought. He came to know the prominent New Thought writer Thomas Troward.
Fox attended the London meeting at which the
International New Thought Alliance was organized in 1914. He gave his first New Thought talk in Mortimer Hall in London in 1928. Soon he went to the United States, and in 1931 was selected to become the successor to the James Murray as the minister of New York's Church of the Healing Christ. Fox became immensely popular, and spoke to audiences in some of the largest halls in the city. He was ordained in the Divine Science branch of New Thought.

While Emmet Fox lived he addressed some of the largest audiences ever gathered to hear one man's thoughts on the religious meaning of life. His books and pamphlets have been distributed to over three million people and it can be conservatively estimated that they have come into the hands of ten million.

Fox's secretary was the mother of one of the men who worked with Alcoholics Anonymous co-founder Bill Wilson, and partly as a result of this connection early AA groups often went to hear Fox. His writing, especially "The Sermon on the Mount," became popular in AA.

The influence of Emmet Fox in the spread of New Thought ideas and emphases lies not simply in the large number of his readers, but in the fact that he is so widely read by ministers of all denominations. A check in large denominational bookstores in various cities from time to time has revealed that Emmet Fox's books are in constant demand; and these are the stores in which ministers chiefly buy their books. They do not, of course, read it as New Thought, but they buy it and read it. There is nothing sectarian, certainly, in the titles "The Sermon on the Mount" and "The Ten Commandments," nor is there anything about them outwardly to indicate that they are New Thought, and nearly half a century after his death, the writings of Emmet Fox remain influential.

Resources: Contains a video of one of Fox's talks as well as many of his readings. Contains many of his readings. Unity website dedicated to the teaching of The Golden Key.

The Sermon on the Mount: The Key to Success in Life

Alter Your Life

Around the Year with Emmet Fox: A Book of Daily Readings

Diagrams for Living: The Bible Unveiled

Find and Use Your Inner Power

Make Your Life Worthwhile

Power Through Constructive Thinking

Stake Your Claim: Exploring the Gold Mine Within

The Ten Commandments: The Master Key of Life

Monday, April 27, 2009

Frederick Bailes, early Science of Mind Teacher

Dr. Bailes, a student of Ernest Holmes, successfully treated many, including himself. His Seven Step treatment method is described below. Notice the similarities to and differences from the method we are using in group. I have his collected essays, which we will read from time to time in group. - Rev. Cheryl

Frederick Bailes

Dr. Frederick Bailes, born into a family of pioneers in New Zealand, was educated to be a medical missionary. Upon completing his training, he was diagnosed with diabetes, at the time considered incurable, which prevented him from entering his work. His discovery of the writings of Judge Thomas Troward helped him to develop a lifestyle which led to his complete recovery long before the discovery of insulin.

Later, as a student at a large London hospital, Dr. Bailes closely observed the mental factors entering into the recovery of patients. He noticed that certain fundamental thought-patterns invariably produced bodily reactions. By stimulating his patients causative mental patterns toward healing, Dr. Bailes soon found remarkable results.

Frederick Bailes was among the most popular and important teachers of the Science of Mind. Dr. Bailes served with Science of Mind founder Ernest Holmes as Assistant Dean of the Science of Mind Institute in Los Angeles. He also headed the largest Science of Mind church of its day. In addition, Dr. Bailes was an accomplished metaphysical healer, having healed himself of a so-called incurable disease, using the treatment method he describes below. “The Science of Mind philosophy,” says Dr. Frederick Bailes, “is not a few psychological tricks; it is a life to be lived.”

Dr. Frederick Bailes gave weekly lectures to capacity audiences in Los Angeles and was well known for his twice-weekly radio broadcasts. He is also the author of "Your Mind Can Heal You;" "Basic Principles of the Science of Mind;" "The Healing Power of Balanced Emotions;" and "Collected Essays of Frederick Bailes."

In his book "Your Mind Can Heal You," he gives a seven step approach to spiritual mind treatment. It starts, he says, "with the fundamental truth that the person for whom we are treating is a perfect idea in the Mind of God, and our whole procedure during a treatment is intended to remove from our own mind any idea or picture of imperfection or sickness."

Here are the seven "R's" of Bailes' treatment method:
Relaxation: We assume a position that assures physical relaxation and a quiet mind.

Recognition: We recognize that we are not speaking into a void. We are surrounded by the Creative Mind of the universe, which receives our thought embodied in our words and sets to work to carry it out into material form.

Relationship: We consciously unify with the Creative Mind, knowing that we ourselves, the person treated for, and this Mind are all one. There can never be any separation between them.

Reasoning: To arrive at this inner certainty, we have to dissolve all doubts. We go through a process of reasoning to arrive at this certainty.

Realization: Once we have arrived at the point where we realize the inner perfection of the one being treated for, we shall know it, because we shall have arrived at a place of quiet, calm assurance.

Release: We are not responsible for the outcome of the treatment. Our only responsibility is to build a clear picture in our mind of the perfection of ourselves and the one being treated for, and to remove all doubts about that perfection. We now release this picture to the Creative Mind.

Rejoice: We give thanks for the success of our treatment, not to influence how Mind works but to confirm our belief that the entire situation is resolved in exactly the right and ideal way.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Recap of 4/23 meeting: The Principle and Practice of Science of Mind Simplified

In our discussion at last night's meeting, we went over the basics of Science of Mind to put what we have been learning into a simple perspective. I include the basics here and encourage readers to go back into earlier posts to fill in details. To put these ideas in context, follow along with Holmes' metaphysical charts. The link is included in an earlier post.

Please post any questions you have in the comments section and I will respond to them.

The Principle and Practice of Science of Mind Simplified:
There are two important components of every study, whether it be physics, psychology, accounting or the spiritual path. This is certainly true of Science of Mind, which, because of its wholeness, contains elements of philosophy, psychology, physics and spirituality. The two components of study are principle and practice.

We are studying the principle, the creative process, through the use of Holmes' metaphysical charts. Through these charts, we can see the relationship of the four aspects of creation both in the universal and in the individual.

In the universal, they are (1) Spirit also called the Self-conscious knower, Love, Objective Mind, First Cause; (2) Soul, also called the blind doer, Law, Subjective Mind; (3) the Word, also called Truth; and (4) Body, also referred to as the physical, material world and effect. I went over these in more detail in the last post.

In the individual, because we are made in the image and likeness of the One, the creative process in potential is the same. In actuality, it is dependent on the level of our consciousness or self-awareness pertaining to the Truth of our Being. We are spirit, and are able to embody this to the level of our understanding and acceptance of this. To the extent that we are caught up in the appearances of the material world of effect, perceiving effect to be cause rather than the result of previous thoughts, opinions and beliefs, we will continue to react to these appearances and to manifest old ideas. These old ideas are lower on the scale of intelligence and therefore in vibration; they are incomplete formulations of the Truth. They are subject to the relational, conditional thinking of the dualistic mind in the individual. They are subject to the misperception of lack, limitation, illness, competition, fear because the human mind, at this point is still learning to grasp the nature of infinity, eternality, oneness. We are still in the intellectual stage of understanding these concepts, rather than in the full embodiment of them.

In individual consciousness, our understanding of the nature of life is filtered through our senses. The thoughts and beliefs we hold about ourselves and our relationships to each other, to our environment and to the whole determine what we are willing and able to accept in our lives, as our lives. The Universal Consciousness with a full and total knowing simply announces itself: I AM Love, I AM Truth, I AM Beauty, I AM Wholeness, I AM Peace, I AM Joy, I AM Prosperity.

The vibration of this Truth in Universal consciousness, or our understanding of it in individual consciousness, sets the Law of Mind in motion at the level of our belief. The Law then creates a mold at the same vibrational level as our thought or belief, fills the mold with Universal Substance and it becomes a visible effect in the world or in our lives. Visible and invisible, it is all energy.

In practice, we raise the level of our consciousness and acceptance through the process of Spiritual Mind Treatment, also called Affirmative Prayer. Universal Spirit creates by announcing Itself with its perfect and complete knowledge of the Truth of Being. We consciously co-create by affirming who we believe ourselves to be at the level of our understanding. We increase our awareness of self by increasing our awareness of our Source, by accepting that we are created as an image and likeness of our Source and are therefore fully supported in the highest expression of our lives. We come to see ourselves as a unique fulfillment of Source as us. We turn from the incomplete expressions of self in form to the Truth of our wholeness in Spirit. By accepting and claiming our Truth, we create a new chain of causation by setting the Law into motion at this higher level of vibration. A new mold is made and raises our external circumstances to the higher level of belief we are now vibrating.

We can use either a five or seven step Spiritual Mind Treatment to raise our consciousness and to improve our lives. Our treatment will be successful to the extent that the words we use have deep personal meaning for us and resonate as the Truth for we are then able to speak these words with conviction, with feeling. The stronger the conviction behind our words, the higher the vibration. If we are feeling confusion or resistance during treatment, we stop and treat for clarity first, then begin our treatment anew.

Start your treatment with a statement of intention or focus, ie. I am a magnet for love. My life is prosperous and successful. My perfect right livelihood is on its way to me now. My body radiates health, vigor and well-being. I enjoy peace of mind.

Five Step Treatment:
1. Recognition: What I know about the nature of God, the Universe, the One.
There is One Life, One Source, One Presence, One Power for Good.
I recognize that good as love, intelligence, wholeness, prosperity, beauty, joy, peace. The universe flows in perfect balance, order and harmony. This One is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent.

2. Unification: What I know about my connection to, my relationship with the One.
I am the fulfillment of the One uniquely as me. I am a unique point in God consciousness. I am a thought of God. I am fully supported by the One in the highest expression of my life. I am the activity of God/the Universe as me.

3. Declaration/Realization: In declaration, using inductive reasoning (reasoning from the part to the whole) I direct my thought to a higher embodiment of one or more of the following in my life - health and well-being, prosperity and finances, work and creative expression, love and relationships. The statements are increasingly strong statements of faith about God or the One working in, through and as my life.

The statements must be specific, in the present tense, and made with feeling. I know, I accept, I claim all my good, all that is mine by divine inheritance. Be specific about the nature of this good - my health, my wealth, my harmonious and loving relationships, my fulfillment in my line of work, creative expression, activity. Describe what you desire to see more of in your life, do not outline how it should come about. You are on the planning board, not on the ways and means committee. You are the visionary.

In realization, I know the Truth of my wholeness. I know and I know that I know that I am fully supported in the highest expression of my life, that all is right with my life right here and right now. In realization, you feel the rightness, for there is nothing resisting the Truth.

I can reach realization through declarative statements or I can experience a direct knowing of this Truth through deductive reasoning (reasoning from the whole to the part.) Realization is the ah-ha moment of Truth. I realize my perfect health; I experience the expansive, joyful feeling of living in the house of my dreams or in the completely loving, fulfilling, harmonious, relationship I envision for myself or the inspired flow of creative ideas opening up new avenues into deeper and richer expressions of my innate talents and abilities.

4. Gratitude: I am grateful to know my word of truth has set the law of mind in motion in the direction of my life and circumstances. Even stronger, I am grateful to know my word is Law, that it is done unto me as I believe.

5. Release: I rest in the expectancy of a full demonstration. It is done as I have spoken; I let go and let God, knowing the perfect demonstration is already on its way into my life and affairs. And so it is.

Seven Step Treatment:
Steps 1: Recognition

Step 2: Unification

3. Affirmation: I affirm, I know, I am, I have, I experience...perfect health, wealth, love, creative expression. All that you desire to experience more of in your life.

4. Denial: I turn my back on, I release, I let go of any appearances of lack, limitation, illness, competition, fear, negative emotions or circumstances. They are facts but not the Truth and these appearances have no power over me. I let go of all that I have added to myself that is less than the truth of my perfection and wholeness and turn toward clarity, harmony and total fulfillment. I release all feelings of unforgiveness, resentment, guilt toward myself and others and turn toward love, acceptance and peace. I turn away from all ideas of imperfection, dis-ease, unworthiness and turn toward the Truth of my Being which is whole, perfect, complete, loving and lovable, prosperous, successful, etc.

5. Re-affirmation: Now you are in a more confident position to make stronger affirmations of Truth. I am whole, I am prosperous. I have the full backing and support of the Highest Power that is. I know with the full faith of God that my health is completely restored to its original perfection, that my channels are completely open to receive my full good in the form of financial abundance, unconditional love. I fully realize my creative potential through a strong and perpetual flow of inspired ideas from Creative Intelligence Itself. I bring these ideas into life through my unique skills and talents to the benefit of all, etc.


7. Release

Once we complete our treatment, we listen to inner promptings and watch for leadings and opportunities in our everyday life. We pay attention and take inspired action, stepping out in faith. In Science of Mind terms, "we treat and move our feet." This is the true embodiment of our word in our lives. It isn't a fully embodied belief until we act on it. Our actions are indications of our level of faith in the truth of our belief. Thinking nice thoughts might make us feel better and that is a good first step, but it doesn't have a lasting effect on building consciousness, skill or opportunity.

There is a common theme in the teachings of Jesus. He said, "It is done unto you as you believe." and "Your faith hath made you whole." By example, the infirm woman who crawled to touch the hem of his garment was healed by her action, which demonstrated her faith and her desire to be whole. Jesus instructed another invalid who was complaining he had no one to put him into the healing waters, "Take up thy bed and walk!" If we are serious about changing our lives, then our thoughts, beliefs, words and actions must all be in synch. Our actions are demonstrations of our faith in our beliefs. They are the embodiment of our beliefs and have power in them to move mountains - to attract assistance from unknown and unnumbered channels.

The bare bones of Science of Mind:

The 4 aspects of the Creative Process:

In the Universal:
1)Spirit, Love, Self-Conscious or Objective Mind
2)Soul, Law, Subjective Mind
3)Word of Truth
4)Body, Physical World, Effect

In the Individual:
1)Spirit, Love, Self-Conscious or Objective Mind
2)Soul, Law, Subconscious Mind
3)Thoughts, Beliefs, Ideas, either consciously or unconsciously held
4)Body, affairs and circumstances, effect


Set your intention, then

5 Steps of Treatment:
Recognition, Unification, Declaration/Realization, Gratitude, Release


7 Steps of Treatment:
Recognition, Unification, Affirmation, Denial, Re-affirmation, Gratitude, Release

4 Areas of Treatment:
Health and well-being, Love and Harmonious Relationships, Creative Expression and Work, Prosperity and Financial Abundance.

"Treat and move thy feet!"

Monday, April 13, 2009

Recap of 4/9 meeting and reading for 4/16

Last week we reviewed the creative process in the universal using the basic Science of Mind metaphysical chart, showing the four aspects of the process: spirit, soul, body and the word. This entire process happens within the One Mind [of God] because that is all there is.

Spirit, also called love, objective mind, Self-knowing mind or the Presence is the conscious chooser of any of the unlimited ideas in the vast sea/field of infinite possibilities. It is the personal aspect of mind. It is first cause in an endless chain of cause-and-effect. This is the masculine aspect of Mind, the knower. It uses deductive reasoning.

Soul, also called law or subjective mind, is the blind doer, the impersonal aspect, the fertile soil in which the chosen ideas of Spirit incubate and grow into manifest form. It is the repository of all ideas, manifest and unmanifest, actual and potential - the sea/field of infinite possibilities and also the law of averages, the unlimited source of undifferentiated substance from which the material form is molded. This is the feminine apect of Mind. This aspect of mind is also conscious, but it is not self-conscious. It uses deductive reasoning.

The Word is the chosen idea, the vibration of which sets the Soul or Law of Mind in action to produce in material form the exact equivalent of the idea. The higher the vibration, the closer the manifest resembles the pure spiritual idea(l) in unity consciousness. The idea of highest vibration is the One Life, perfect, whole, limitless, balanced, harmonious and complete, whose essence is perfect love, peace, joy, prosperity, beauty and truth.

The body is the manifest idea, circumstances, events. It is the world of the seen, all of which is effect. In the universal, it is the vast network of galaxies, the planetary systems and everything on every planet. It uses both inductive and deductive reasoning. It is the known.

We used the analogy of the farmer (Spirit) who plants a tomato seed (thought) into the soil (Soul.) The soil (Soul) has all the substance needed (minerals, moisture, etc.) to grow the tomato seed (thought) into a tomato plant (body, material form.) The farmer does not dig up the soil to see if anything is happening underground. S/he knows (has faith) that the seed s/he has planted is good, that s/he is now done and the soil (Soul) will produce the rest. S/he knows a tomato plant will result and not a pumpkin vine. This is the undeviating law.

The Creative Process and Evolution
We are each a unique idea of the One [God, Source, Mind, Universe] residing in the One. We were made in the image and likeness of the One, therefore, we can and do use the same creative process that resulted in the galaxies, the mountains, the oceans, the great varieties of flowers, trees, birds, mammals and the infinitessimal and numberless micro-organisms. We are manifest spirit. We are the eyes, hands, and heart of the One God. We are the fulfillment of the One in the physical.

We are, each of us, at every moment, using our minds to think things into being. If we do not use our minds consciously, our lives follow the tendency of thought for the human race as it has evolved thus far, called "race consciousness" by Holmes. This tendency of thought sets the law of mind in action to produce the current average physical human condition in all its imperfection. This is called the "law of averages."

The human mind experiences the dualistic thinking that results from a belief that the knower is separate from the known, that the self is separate from the Source. This belief in separation results in the mistaken notions of lack, limitation, illness and death. These notions are not so much wrong as they are incomplete.

We are still evolving. In New Thought, we co-create with God in conscious evolution, bringing our lives "above the fray" of dualistic thinking, the law of averages and the human condition. We commune with the Presence through treatment, yoga, meditation and witnessing nature, and experience the oneness of all things.

In unity consciousness, we experience direct knowing or inspiration. It is understanding directly or "face-to-face" rather than "seeing through the glass darkly" as stated in 1Corinthians13. "We know as we are known." We know the Truth of our being, that we are whole, perfect and complete; that everything we need for the highest expression of our lives is already available at that higher vibratory level. All we need do is claim it, and we claim it through our convicted word of Truth. We accept it as already ours, knowing that, to accept is to receive. We know that, like the tomato seed, most of the creative process happens underground where we can't see it. Like the farmer, we plant our seed and wait expectantly, knowing what we planted will come to pass in the light of day.

This new higher-level thought raises the understanding for the whole human race, the process of spiritual evolution. By taking inspired action, we manifest this higher vibratory thought, and it becomes visibly accessible to the whole. In so doing, we raise the law of averages for the whole human race, participating in the evolutionary rise of human or self-consciousness to the next level, called by some cosmic consciousness (awareness of unity with the whole,) and manifesting in a more highly intelligent race, homo noeticus.

Roger Bannister, the runner, illustrated this by breaking the 4 minute mile. He saw with his mind it could be done. (He dipped his measuring vessel into the infinite sea of limitless possibilities and claimed an as yet unmanifest idea.) In creating a higher mental equivalent, he was able to accomplish a new thing, to materialize this new idea. Once others saw with their eyes that it could be done, they were able to break the 4 minute mile also. The human consciousness has evolved into accepting the idea of a less-than-4 minute mile as a fact, just as human consciousness evolved centuries ago into accepting a round rather than a flat world as fact.

We will soon be getting into the idea of conscious evolution more deeply through the writings of Holmes, Troward, and Atkinson. This is where volition comes into play.

Reading and Discussion
Last week we detoured from our Science of Mind reading to seek a deeper understanding of the terms will, volition and choice used by Holmes in his definition of terms in metaphysical chart 01.

We began reading "Thought Vibration, or The Law of Attraction in the Thought World" by William Walker Atkinson at Chapter 3 - A Talk About the Mind. We will continue this week at paragraph 8. This chapter explains the difference between active mentation or active efforts of the mind (new thoughts) and passive mental process (habitual thought.)

Several people shared testimonials of the good that has come into their lives in the form of resources, unexpected income and specific demonstrations of treatment. Our faith in the process continues to build as we apply ourselves to principle and see the results in our lives!

We now have 3 people car-pooling to Hingham for the May 2 Blue Mountain Center meditation initiation and retreat. Contact me if you would like to join us. Go to to register for this event. There is a sliding fee and scholarship available to make it possible for everyone to attend who has a mind to. It also allows everyone to express their gratitude to Source by supporting this channel of Spirit in the continuation and growth of its work as they are led.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Dr. Joseph Murphy, Prolific Prosperity Author

Below is a biography of Dr. Joseph Murphy and a listing of his works. He is the author of the pink book, "How to Attract Money," we have been reading in our Prosperity Project. You may remember his discussion about the neutrality of universal law, that it is our use of it that results in "good" or "bad." I'm sure you'll not forget his example of the possibility of using water to bathe a baby or to drown it. Startling, but he made his point.

Joseph Murphy, Prolific Prosperity Author

DR. JOSEPH MURPHY wrote, taught, counseled, and lectured to thousands all over the world for nearly fifty years. Born in 1898, he was educated in Ireland and England. Years of research studying the world’s major religions convinced him that some great Power lay behind them all and that power is in each and every person.

Dr. Murphy was Minister-Director of the Church of Divine Science in Los Angeles for 28 years, where his lectures were attended by 1300 to 1500 people every Sunday. His daily radio program during all that time was immensely popular. He moved to Laguna Hills, California in 1976, where he continued to speak every Sunday until he made his transition in 1981.

Murphy refused requests for profiles and biographies, saying that his life was to be found in his books of which he authored forty.

Murphy was influenced by Ernest Holmes, founder of Science of Mind and the Church of Religious Science, and Emmet Fox, both well known writers on New Thought principles. His academic background, however, was in Eastern religion. He spent many years in India, and was an Andhra Research Fellow at the University of India.

Dr Murphy spent a good part of his life studying Eastern religions, and was a scholar of the I-Ching. Joseph Murphy, Ph.D., D.D., was a world-renowned authority on mysticism and mind dynamics.

Dr. Murphy taught the simple, scientifically proven techniques and facts about how the subconscious powers of the mind can perform healing, including documented cases of lung cancer and optic nerve damage healing. Today, his books continue to show how to use the Law of Attraction to increase your prosperity and how to use your subconscious mind to make and improve relationships and to gain peace of mind. They show how your dreams can help you solve problems and make difficult decisions -- or warn you of potential disaster.

Murphy’s best-selling book, “The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind,” shows the reader how to attain more prosperity, happiness and perfect health by answering the following questions:

Why is one person sad and another happy? Why is one person joyous and prosperous and another poor and miserable? Why is one person fearful and anxious and another full of faith and confidence? Why does one person have a luxurious home while another lives a meager existence in a slum? Why is one person a great success and another an abject failure? Why is one speaker outstanding and immensely popular and another mediocre and unpopular? Why is one person a genius at work while the other toils away without accomplishing anything worthwhile? Why is one person healed of a so-called incurable disease and another isn’t? Why is it so many good, kind religious people suffer the tortures of the damned in their mind and body? Why is it many immoral and irreligious people succeed and prosper and enjoy radiant health? Why is one woman happily married and her sister very unhappy and frustrated?

The answer to these questions is in the workings of the conscious and subconscious aspects of mind.

Murphy saw the subconscious mind as a darkroom in which we develop the images that are to be lived out in real life. While the conscious mind sees an event, takes a picture of it and remembers it, the subconscious mind works backwards, ‘seeing’ something before it happens. It is why intuition is infallible.

He taught how the subconscious responds to habit and habitual thinking. Being totally neutral in a moral sense, it is happy to adopt any habit as ‘normal’ - good or bad. We blithely let negative thoughts drop into the subconscious every minute of our lives, then are surprised when they find expression in day to day experiences and relationships. While there are some things that will happen to us that we had no role in creating, these are in fact rare. Mostly, the “bad” that happens is in us already, waiting for the light of day.

Understanding your subconscious mind as a photographic mechanism removes the emotion and struggle from changing your life, because if it is simply a matter of replacing existing mental images with new ones, you begin to see the ease with which you may change.

‘The law of your mind is the law of belief itself,’ Murphy says. What we believe makes us who we are. William James observed that whatever people expect to be true, will be so, irrespective of whether the object of their belief exists in fact. In the West we have made ‘the truth’ our highest value; this motivation, while important, is weak next to the actual power of belief in shaping our lives. Whatever you give your subconscious – false or true – it will register as fact. Be careful not to joke about misfortune, as the subconscious has no sense of humour.

Murphy quotations:
“You were born to be rich. You grow rich by the use of your God-given faculties, by tuning in with the Infinite, and as your mind becomes productive and full of good ideas, your labor will become more productive and will bring you all kinds of material riches."

“There is no virtue whatsoever in poverty, which in actual fact is a mental disease, and it should be abolished from the face of the earth. You are here to find your true place in life, and to give of your talents to the world. You are here to expand and unfold in a wonderful way, according to a God-given potential, and to bring forth spiritual, mental, and material riches, which will bless humanity in countless ways. Learn how to surround yourself always with beauty, and luxury, and realize your inalienable right to live, liberty, freedom and peace of mind.

‘If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth’ (Mark 9:23). In all the old rituals of ancient times, with their weird mixtures and incantations, it was the power of suggestion and acceptance in the subconscious mind that healed. Even today, doctors report the power of placebos to produce miraculous recoveries if accompanied by doubt-free instructions that ‘this will do the trick’. Miracles of healing, Murphy says, are simply the body’s obeying of the subconscious mind’s knowledge of ‘perfect health’ when the questioning nature of the human conscious mind is silenced.

Books and Audios by Joseph Murphy:
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Audio-Book
3 Steps to Success, Audio-Lecture
Love is Freedom Believe in Yourself
The Magic of Faith
How to Attract Money
Wheels of Truth
Getting Results From Prayer
The Miracles of Your Mind
Riches Are Your Right
Step This Way For Healing
Great Truths That Set Us Free
How To Use Your Healing Power
Peace Within Yourself: St. John Speaks
The Real Meaning of Reincarnation and Rebirth
THIS IS IT: The Art of Metaphysical Demonstration
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
The Amazing Laws of Cosmic Mind Power
The Cosmic Power Within You
How to Attract Money
How to Use the Laws of the Mind
How to Use Your Healing Power
The Miracle of Mind Dynamics
Miracle Power for Infinite Riches
Peace Within Yourself
Prayer is the Answer
Psychic Perception: The Magic of Extra-sensory Power
Secrets of The I Ching
Telepsychics: Tapping Your Hidden Subconscious Powers
Within You is the Power
Your Infinite Power to be Rich
Think Yourself Rich
Special Meditations for Health, Wealth and Love
Collected Essays of Joseph Murphy (Mentors of New Thought)
The Cosmic Energizer: Miracle Power of the Universe
Infinite Power of Richer Living
Quiet Moments with God
The Subconscious Mind: A Source of Unlimited Power
Write A New Name in the Book of Life
Think Yourself to Health, Wealth & Happiness: The Best of Joseph Murphy's Cosmic Wisdom

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Reading for 4/9 group

In continuing our discussion of will, volition, choice, we will delve into the meaning of these terms as presented by William Walker Atkinson in his book, "Thought Vibration, or The Law of Attraction in the Thought World." Below are the chapters on Mind, Mind Building and The Secret of the Will (Chapters 3 - 5.) You may choose to read Chapters 1 and 2 also. They are terse but concentrated chapters. As you read, keep in mind that this was written in 1906!

Chapter III A Talk About the Mind
MAN has but one mind, but he has many mental faculties, each faculty being capable of functioning along two different lines of mental effort. There are no distinct dividing lines separating the two several functions of a faculty, but they shade into each other as do the colors of the spectrum.

An Active effort of any faculty of the mind is the result of a direct impulse imparted at the time of the effort. A Passive effort of any faculty of the mind is the result of either a preceding Active effort of the same mind; an Active effort of another along the lines of suggestion; Thought Vibrations from the mind of another; Thought impulses from an ancestor, transmitted by the laws of heredity (including impulses transmitted from generation to generation from the time of the original vibratory impulse imparted by the Primal Cause - which impulses gradually unfold, and unsheath, when the proper state of evolutionary development is reached).

The Active effort is new-born - fresh from the mint, whilst the Passive effort is of less recent creation, and, in fact, is often the result of vibratory impulses imparted in ages long past. The Active effort makes its own way, brushing aside the impeding vines and kicking from its path the obstructing stones. The Passive effort travels along the beaten path.

A thought-impulse, or motion-impulse, originally caused by an Active effort of faculty, may become by continued repetition, or habit, strictly automatic, the impulse given it by the repeated Active effort developing a strong momentum, which carries it on, along Passive lines, until stopped by another Active effort or its direction changed by the same cause.

On the other hand, thought-impulses, or motion-impulses, continued along Passive lines may be terminated or corrected by an Active effort. The Active function creates, changes or destroys. The Passive function carries on the work given it by the Active function and obeys orders and suggestions.

The Active function produces the thought-habit, or motion-habit, and imparts to it the vibrations, which carry it on along the Passive lines thereafter. The Active function also has the power to send forth vibrations which neutralize the momentum of the thought-habit, or motion-habit; it also is able to launch a new thought-habit, or motion-habit, with stronger vibrations, which overcomes and absorbs the first thought, or motion, and substitutes the new one.

All thought-impulses, or motion-impulses, once started on their errands, continue to vibrate along passive lines until corrected or terminated by subsequent impulses imparted by the Active function, or other controlling power. The continuance of the original impulse adds momentum and force to it, and renders its correction or termination more difficult. This explains that which is called "the force of habit." I think that this will be readily understood by those who have struggled to overcome a habit which had been easily acquired. The Law applies to good habits as well as bad. The moral is obvious.

Several of the faculties of the mind often combine to produce a single manifestation. A task to be performed may call for the combined exercise of several faculties, some of which may manifest by Active effort and others by Passive effort.

The meeting of new conditions - new problems - calls for the exercise of Active effort; whilst a familiar problem, or task, can be easily handled by the Passive effort without the assistance of his more enterprising brother.

There is in Nature an instinctive tendency of living organisms to perform certain actions, the tendency of an organized body to seek that which satisfies the wants of its organism. This tendency is sometimes called Appetency. It is really a Passive mental impulse, originating with the impetus imparted by the Primal Cause, and transmitted along the lines of evolutionary development, gaining strength and power as it progresses. The impulse of the Primal Cause is assisted by the powerful upward attraction exerted by THE ABSOLUTE.

In plant life this tendency is plainly discernible, ranging form the lesser exhibitions in the lower types to the greater in the higher types. It is that which is generally spoken of as the "life-force" in plants. It is, however, a manifestation of rudimentary mentation, functioning along the lines of Passive effort. In some of the higher forms of plant life there appears a faint color of independent "life action" - a faint indication of choice of volition. Writers on plant life relate many remarkable instances of this phenomenon. It is, undoubtedly, an exhibition of rudimentary Active mentation.
In the lower animal kingdom a very high degree of Passive mental effort is found. And, varying in degree in the several families and species, a considerable amount of Active mentation is apparent. The lower animal undoubtedly possesses Reason only in a lesser degree than man, and, in fact, the display of volitional mentation exhibited by an intelligent animal is often nearly as high as that shown by the lower types of man or by a young child. As a child, before birth, shows in its body the stages of the physical evolution of man, so does a child, before and after birth - until maturity - manifest the stages of the mental evolution of man.

Man, the highest type of life yet produced, at least upon this planet, shows the highest form of Passive mentation, and also a much higher development of Active mentation than is seen in the lower animals, and yet the degrees of that power vary widely among the different races of men. Even among men of our race the different degrees of Active mentation are plainly noticeable; these degrees not depending by any means upon the amount of "culture," social position or educational advantages possessed by the individual: Mental Culture and Mental Development are two very different things.

You have but to look around you to see the different stages of the development of Active mentation in man. The reasoning of many men is scarcely more than Passive mentation, exhibiting but little of the qualities of volitional thought. They prefer to let other men think for them. Active mentation tires them and they find the instinctive, automatic, Passive mental process much easier. Their minds work along the lines of least resistance. They are but little more than human sheep.

Among the lower animals and the lower types of men Active mentation is largely confined to the grosser faculties - the more material plane; the higher mental faculties working along the instinctive, automatic lines of the Passive function.

As the lower forms of life progressed in the evolutionary scale, they developed new faculties which were latent within them. These faculties always manifested in the form of rudimentary Passive functioning, and afterwards worked up through higher Passive forms, until the Active functions were brought into play. The evolutionary process still continues, the invariable tendency being toward the goal of highly developed Active mentation. This evolutionary progress is caused by the vibratory impulse imparted by the Primal Cause, aided by the uplifting attraction of THE ABSOLUTE.

This law of evolution is still in progress, and man is beginning to develop new powers of mind, which, of course, are first manifesting themselves along the lines of Passive effort. Some men have developed these new faculties to a considerable degree, and it is possible that before long Man will be able to exercise them along the line of their Active functions. In fact, this power has already been attained by a few. This is the secret of the Oriental occultists, and of some of their Occidental brethren.

The amenability of the mind to the will can be increased by properly directed practice. That which we are in the habit of referring to as the "strengthening of the Will" is in reality the training of the mind to recognize and absorb the Power Within. The Will is strong enough, it does not need strengthening, but the mind needs to be trained to receive and act upon the suggestions of the Will. The Will is the outward manifestation of the I AM. The Will current is flowing in full strength along the spiritual wires; but you must learn how to raise the trolley-pole to touch it before the mental car will move. This is a somewhat different idea from that which you have been in the habit of receiving from writers on the subject of Will Power, but it is correct, as you will demonstrate to your own satisfaction if you will follow up the subject by experiments along the proper lines.

The attraction of THE ABSOLUTE is drawing man upward, and the vibratory force of the Primal Impulse has not yet exhausted itself. The time of evolutionary development has come when man can help himself. The man who understands the Law can accomplish wonders by means of the development of the powers of the mind; whilst the man who turns his back upon the truth will suffer from his lack of knowledge of the Law.

He who understands the laws of his mental being, develops his latent powers and uses them intelligently. He does not despise his Passive mental functions, but makes good use of them also, charges them with the duties for which they are best fitted, and is able to obtain wonderful results from their work, having mastered them and trained them to do the bidding of the Higher Self. When they fail to do their work properly he regulates them, and his knowledge prevents him from meddling with them unintelligently, and thereby doing himself harm. He develops the faculties and powers latent within him and learns how to manifest them along the line of Active mentation as well as Passive. He knows that the real man within him is the master to whom both Active and Passive functions are but tools. He has banished Fear, and enjoys Freedom. He has found himself. HE HAS LEARNED THE SECRET OF THE I AM.

Chapter IV Mind Building
MAN can build up his mind and make it what he wills. In fact, we are mind-building every hour of our lives, either consciously or unconsciously. The majority of us are doing the work unconsciously, but those who have seen a little below the surface of things have taken the matter in hand and have become conscious creators of their own mentality. They are no longer subject to the suggestions and influences of others but have become masters of themselves. They assert the "I," and compel obedience from the subordinate mental faculties. The "I" is the sovereign of the mind, and what we call WILL is the instrument of the "I." Of course, there is something back of this, and the Universal Will is higher than the Will of the Individual, but the latter is in much closer touch with the Universal Will than is generally supposed, and when one conquers the lower self, and asserts the "I," he becomes in close touch with the Universal Will and partakes largely of its wonderful power. The moment one asserts the "I," and "finds himself," he establishes a close connection between the Individual Will and the Universal Will. But before he is able to avail himself of the mighty power at his command, he must first effect the Mastery of the lower self.

Think of the absurdity of Man claiming to manifest powers, when he is the slave of the lower parts of his mental being, which should be subordinate. Think of a man being the slave of his moods, passions, animal appetites and lower faculties, and at the same time trying to claim the benefits of the Will. Now, I am not preaching asceticism, which seems to me to be a confession of weakness. I am speaking of Self-Mastery - the assertion of the "I" over the subordinate parts of oneself. In the higher view of the subject, this "I" is the only real Self, and the rest is the non-self; but our space does not permit the discussion of this point, and we will use the word "self' as meaning the entire man. Before a man can assert the "I" in its full strength he must obtain the complete mastery of the subordinate parts of the self. All things are good when we learn to master them, but no thing is good when it masters us. Just so long as we allow the lower portions of the self to give us orders, we are slaves. It is only when the "I" mounts his throne and lifts the scepter, that order is established and things assume their proper relation to each other.

We are finding no fault with those who are swayed by their lower selves - they are in a lower grade of evolution, and will work up in time. But we are calling the attention of those who are ready, to the fact that the Sovereign must assert his will, and that the subjects must obey. Orders must be given and carried out. Rebellion must be put down, and the rightful authority insisted upon. And the time to do it is Now.

You have been allowing your rebellious subjects to keep the King from his throne. You have been allowing the mental kingdom to be misgoverned by irresponsible faculties. You have been the slaves of Appetite, Unworthy Thoughts, Passion and Negativeness. The Will has been set aside and Low Desire has usurped the throne. It is time to re-establish order in the mental kingdom.

You are able to assert the mastery over any emotion, appetite, passion or class of thoughts by the assertion of the Will. You can order Fear to go to the rear; Jealousy to leave your presence; Hate to depart from your sight; Anger to hide itself; Worry to cease troubling you; Uncontrolled Appetite and Passion to bow in submission and to become humble slaves instead of masters - all by the assertion of the "I." You may surround yourself with the glorious company of Courage, Love and Self-Control, by the same means. You may put down the rebellion and secure peace and order in your mental kingdom if you will but utter the mandate and insist upon its execution. Before you march forth to empire, you must establish the proper internal condition - must show your ability to govern you own kingdom. The first battle is the conquest of the lesser self by the Real Self.

I AM Asserting the Mastery of My Real Self
Repeat these words earnestly and positively during the day at least once an hour, and particularly when you are confronted with conditions which tempt you to act on the lines of the lesser self instead of following the course dictated by the Real Self. In the moment of doubt and hesitation say these words earnestly, and your way will be made clear to you. Repeat them several times after you retire and settle yourself to sleep. But be sure to back up the words with the thought inspiring them, and do not merely repeat them parrot-like. Form the mental image of the Real Self asserting its mastery over the lower planes of your mind - see the King on his Throne. You will become conscious of an influx of new thought, and things which have seemed hard for you will suddenly become much easier. You will feel that you have yourself well in hand, and that YOU are the master and not the slave. The thought you are holding will manifest itself in action, and you will steadily grow to become that which you have in mind.

Fix the mind firmly on the higher Self and draw inspiration from it when you feel led to yield to the promptings of the lower part of your nature. When you are tempted to burst into Anger - assert the "I," and your voice will drop. Anger is unworthy of the developed Self. When you feel vexed and cross, remember what you are, and rise above your feeling. When you feel Fearful, remember that the Real Self fears nothing, and assert Courage. When you feel Jealousy inciting, think of your higher nature, and laugh. And so on, asserting the Real Self and not allowing the things on the lower plane of mentality to disturb you. They are unworthy of you, and must be taught to keep their places. Do not allow these things to master you - they should be your subjects, not your masters. You must get away from this plane, and the only way to do so is to cut loose from these phases of thought which have been "running things" to suit themselves. You may have trouble at the start, but keep at it and you will have that satisfaction which comes only from conquering the lower parts of our nature. You have been a slave long enough - now is the time to free yourselves. If you will follow these exercises faithfully you will be a different being by the end of the year, and will look back with a pitying smile to your former condition. But it takes work. This is not child's play but a task for earnest men and women. Will YOU make the effort?

Chapter V The Secret of the Will
WHILE psychologists may differ in their theories regarding the nature of the Will, none deny its existence, nor question its power. All persons recognize the power of strong Will - all see how it may be used to overcome the greatest obstacles. But few realize that the Will may be developed and strengthened by intelligent practice. They feel that they could accomplish wonders if they had a strong Will, but instead of attempting to develop it, they content themselves with vain regrets. They sigh, but do nothing.

Those who have investigated the subject closely know that Will Power, with all its latent possibilities and mighty powers, may be developed, disciplined, controlled and directed, just as may be any other of Nature's forces. It does not matter what theory you may entertain about the nature of the Will, you will obtain the results if you practice intelligently.

Personally, I have a somewhat odd theory about the Will. I believe that every man has, potentially, a strong Will, and that all he has to do is to train his mind to make use of it. I think that in the higher regions of the mind of every man is a great store of Will Power awaiting his use. The Will current is running along the psychic wires, and all that it is necessary to do is to raise the mental trolley-pole and bring down the power for your use. And the supply is unlimited, for your little storage battery is connected with the great powerhouse of the Universal Will Power, and the power is inexhaustible. Your Will does not need training - but your Mind does. The mind is the instrument and the supply of Will Power is proportionate to the fineness of the instrument through which it manifests. But you needn't accept this theory if you don't like it. This lesson will fit your theory as well as mine.

He who has developed his mind so that it will allow the Will Power to manifest through it, has opened up wonderful possibilities for himself. Not only has he found a great power at his command, but he is able to bring into play, and use, faculties, talents and abilities of whose existence he has not dreamed. This secret of the Will is the magic key which opens all doors.
The late Donald G. Mitchell once wrote: "Resolve is what makes a man manifest; not puny resolve, but crude determination; not errant purpose - but that strong and indefatigable will which treads down difficulties and danger, as a boy treads down the heaving frost-lands of winter; which kindles his eye and brain with a proud pulse-beat toward the unattainable. Will makes men giants."

Many of us feel that if we would but exert our Will, we might accomplish wonders. But somehow we do not seem to want to take the trouble - at any rate; we do not get to the actual willing point. We put it off from time to time, and talk vaguely of "some day," but that some day never comes.

We instinctively feel the power of the Will, but we haven't enough energy to exercise it, and so drift along with the tide, unless perhaps some friendly difficulty arises, some helpful obstacle appears in our path, or some kindly pain stirs us into action, in either of which cases we are compelled to assert our Will and thus begin to accomplish something.

The trouble with us is that we do not want to do the thing enough to make us exert our Will Power. We don't want to hard enough. We are mentally lazy and of weak Desire. If you do not like the word Desire substitute for it the word "Aspiration." (Some people call the lower impulses Desires, and the higher, Aspirations - it's all a matter of words, take you choice.) That is the trouble. Let a man be in danger of losing his life - let a woman be in danger of losing a great love - and you will witness a startling exhibition of Will Power from an unexpected source. Let a woman's child be threatened with danger, and she will manifest a degree of Courage and Will that sweeps all before it. And yet the same woman will quail before a domineering husband, and will lack the Will to perform a simple task. A boy will do all sorts of work if he but considers it play, and yet he can scarcely force himself to cut a little firewood. Strong Will follows strong Desire. If you really want to do a thing very much, you can usually develop the Will Power to accomplish it.

The trouble is that you have not really wanted to do these things, and yet you blame your Will. You say that you do want to do it, but if you stop to think you will see that you really want to do something else more than the thing in question. You are not willing to pay the price of attainment. Stop a moment and analyze this statement and apply it in your own case,
You are mentally lazy - that's the trouble. Don't talk to me about not having enough Will. You have a great storehouse of Will awaiting your use, but you are too lazy to use it. Now, if you are really in earnest about this matter, get to work and first find out what you really want to do - then start to work and do it. Never mind about the Will Power - you'll find a full supply of that whenever you need it. The thing to do is to get to the point where you will resolve to do. That the real test - the resolving. Think of these things a little, and make up your mind whether or not you really want to be a Willer sufficiently hard to get to work.

Many excellent essays and books have been written on this subject, all of which agree regarding the greatness of Will Power, the most enthusiastic terms being used; but few have anything to say about how this power may be acquired by those who have it not, or who possess it in but a limited degree. Some have given exercises designed to "strengthen" the Will, which exercises really strengthen the Mind so that it is able to draw upon its store of power. But they have generally overlooked the fact that in autosuggestion is to be found the secret of the development of the mind so that it may become the efficient instrument of the Will.

I AM Using My Will Power

Say these words several times earnestly and positively, immediately after finishing this article. Then repeat them frequently during the day, at least once an hour, and particularly when you meet something that calls for the exercise of Will Power. Also repeat them several times after you retire and settle yourself for sleep. Now, there is nothing in the words unless you back them up with the thought. In fact, the thought is "the whole thing," and the words only pegs upon which to hang the thought. So think of what you are saying, and mean what you say. You must use Faith at the start, and use the words with a confident expectation of the result. Hold the steady thought that you are drawing on your storehouse of Will Power, and before long you will find that thought is taking form in action, and that your Will Power is manifesting itself. You will feel an influx of strength with each repetition of the words. You will find yourself overcoming difficulties and bad habits, and will be surprised at how things are being smoothed out for you.

Perform at least one disagreeable task each day during the month.. If there is any especially disagreeable task which you would like to shirk, that is the one for you to perform. This is not given to you in order to make you self-sacrificing or meek, or anything of that sort - it is given you to exercise your Will. Anyone can do a pleasant thing cheerfully, but it takes Will to do the unpleasant thing cheerfully; and that is how you must do the work. It will prove a most valuable discipline to you. Try it for a month and you will see where "it comes in." If you shirk this exercise you had better stop right here and acknowledge that you do not want Will Power, and are content to stay where you are and remain a weakling.

Friday, April 3, 2009

"Twelve Powers of the Soul" by Emma Curtis Hopkins

This is a sample of Emma Curtis Hopkins' teaching. I have read her books "High Mysticism," "Scientific Christian Mental Practice," and "Resume." Her depth and breadth of knowledge of sacred works and literary classics and her ability to understand and to impart the symbolism within these works in her teaching deepened my own understanding and strengthened my practice. - Rev. Cheryl

By Emma Curtis Hopkins

The following is excerpted from a lesson given by Emma Curtis Hopkins on November 18th 1894. It is found in Bible Interpretations Manuscript 2, published by The Ministry of Truth International, Chicago.

What was that which was not born when you were born, has never been interested in anything you have done while you have been on this planet, and will not die when you lie down? This is the ‘Jesus Christ’ in you. It is sometimes called the divine ego in you, sometimes called the divine soul of you, sometimes your deathless, changeless spirit.

“Never the spirit was born, the spirit shall cease to be never. Changeless the spirit remains, Birthless and deathless forever.”

Thus to the watcher of his own soul, the only name that acts like a key to identification with light on the path, is that one which was once charged with the splendors of revelation. Are not all writings charged with something? Read Dumas’ works and openly receive the word that runs through the enchanting pages. Is it not “brains”?

Read Shakespeare with open mind and catch the word. It is “Judas.” Why? Because there we find intellect at the height of human possibility explaining the passions, the loves, the hates, the foibles of human life as the strength of life. With what mastery enchantment he would make us forget that it is the Jesus Christ in man that is all there is of man.

Intellect, when offered the statement that love conquers death and goodness confers changeless beauty, declines the statement because appearances have not exhibited that way. What a describer of appearances is the Judas genius! When the Jesus Christ is heard speaking, what saith He? – “Judge not according to appearances.” (John 7:24)

In today’s lesson, the Judas genius is opened out with the divine intelligence that pure poverty of appearances is God. He who is poor in earthly things is all mind. The charitable teachings, which caused me to give everything I had or could get hold of to my religion, promised me wealth of mind or spirit in lieu thereof. But the ‘Jesus Christ’ in me is as little interested in my mental and spiritual stores as in my bank account. To the Judas mind, first of all, the soul fire declares: “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” They are God. The whole of God they are.

[ECH uses each of the Biblical characters here as a symbol for a human trait or idea that is transmuted into the Truth through surrender to the Higher Mind or Christ consciousness. In duality, each trait has a polar opposite. We can learn from either polar end. The Judas mind in each of us, symbolized by the Judas character and story, gets caught up in a false appearance, that possessing wealth can cause happiness. Judas learns what is True by first learning what is false, through the chain of causation he set in motion by betraying Jesus for a few silver coins. When he saw the results of his action, his remorse led him to take his own life. New Thought looks at the stories and characters of the Bible and other sacred texts symbolically, as an allegory of the human journey to know the Truth about ourselves and our relationship to God / the One Source of all life and to act accordingly. - C]

“Blessed are the poor in Spirit.”
Whatever teaches one that wealth of spirit is better than wealth of silver is as Judas-like in religion as Shakespeare is in ethics. I am to own and possess nothing. Lao-Tze taught that we must produce, but not possess. Possession is robbery. The high mathematics of Jesus Christ says that I must surrender my mighty spirit. Its dauntless glory I must not hold. So I let the spirit blow where it listeth. I gloat not to be spiritual. I couldn’t be free while holding on to the spirit with might and main. Through the first gate – namely my intellect – I let all that I know and all that I have been taught go free. I know nothing. “The wisdom of the schools is foolishness with God.

“Blessed are they that mourn.“
My love of sacrifice gate, my idea that I am meritorious in giving up, my missionary and reformer spirit of mind gate, my hearkening to the doctrines of men gate, flow comfort, power for a universe, when only the soul voice is heard.

Blessed are the meek.”
Watching the One in me that has never yet been interested in the world, because its kingdom is not of the world. I find that through the third gate of my being, the ownership of the world is mine through giving up the world and bowing my head for my soul to do all things and know all things. Its ways are not my ways, yet let them be done. That in me which is identified with what I am doing I give it its own way. That was my love of praise characteristic. The ‘Jesus Christ’ in me is above praise. When I feel the power of my Jesus Christ nature blowing its white winds through that disposition, I shall not be praised any more. No wonder the monks and nuns disfigured themselves to get rid of praise. They had a glimpse of that one in them that esteemeth not praise. To be free from praise is the third power of Christ. We do not seek or try to care nothing for praise – watching the one in us that is not elated when we are applauded will accomplish it for us. “Because I live ye shall live also.” (John 14:19) The management of this universe from spiritual zephyrs to molten centers is in the fingers of Him that can wisely praise. One who is seeking favor cannot praise anything wisely. The supreme of meekness is seeking not commendation.

“Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness.”
The fourth power that is manifest through giving the unenlisted One in me full control is radiance of confidence in the new life that supplants my former life. Turning to watch the soul entirely overturns past conditions. He who supplants. Confidence in the excellence of the new is not forced – it forces. The former state of James was trying to do the best he could. Now he knows that all that he does is divinely well done.

“Blessed are the merciful.”
Before we turned to watch our mysterious One that is not mixed up with our human life, this Thomas quality was the discretion of our speech and actions. We bow to this Thomas gate for the indiscrete to reign. The discretion of the world shut Melanchthon’s lips, but when discretion was lost in Luther, the Protestant Church sprang its millions upon millions into view. So the most merciful one is the most indiscreet and least self-protective one, for over his foolish head the new dispensation rolls its merciful provisions. Thomas means twin. Exactly like the highest discretion, in view of the fact that the fool turns out to be God in being fool. The early church tried to show that we should certainly all become fools for Christ’s sake, thus obtaining mercy for the whole race.

“Blessed are the pure in heart.”
The gift of Jehovah. The sight purged of sights. Pure blindness to what is going on. Clear sight of what the reigning principle of life is. Principle, or the Absolute, confers all when once it is seen. Do you see that this very day, not a moment’s waiting, every clerk in the store ought to get equal daily pay with the owner of the store? Do you see that the miners who go down into the mines ought to share with the stockholders equally, on the basis of all doing up to the best they could? Do you see that if I think the South Sea islanders need teaching, I am robbing them of their good name, since God, at their center, is as truly God as at the center of Jesus Christ? Then if all this you see, your sight is pure. There is a promise here that he who sees these things through close contemplation of the One at his own center, who is not pleased when he gives to beggars as beggars – since the divine in the beggars is what he should give unto – shall certainly see God come rolling down the ways of men to overturn, and overturn, and overturn the systems that are based on the presumptions of inequalities among men.

“Blessed are the peacemakers.”
The seventh is the peaceableness of Bartholomew. Whoever thinks reproof is his mission is most haughty when reproved. There is no evidence of seeing the central soul in yourself like your freedom from rebuking. Finding in the thief something to rebuke, you certainly cannot be seen in his unrebukable heart’s center. The only rebuker is he who questions you from the center of the prison of your criticism, asking, “When saw ye me in prison?” Have you noticed how death or idiocy strikes those whose breath is full of accusations? Do you remember Cagliostro’s pledge to honor and respect the principle that always touched those who tore the truth from their neighbors? Did he not say that its effect was death or idiocy? Why tremble before me, and spend hours in decrying against me, if I know that your heart’s center is the living Jesus? I shall be safely housed as a child of God, because I feel the warm rush of the untouchable One in me, whose brightest activity is peace.

“Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
Lover of horses. The message through strength of character, gained by sight of divine principle, is found in this verse. There is nothing like the love that flows from your strong heart when you feel this Philip gate open. The persecutions of men seem like children’s toy soldiers. In symbology, horses stand for the swiftness and strength of any principle, which is plain to you. The mother knows that her boy is good. Let her trust her knowledge. If the neighbours think he is bad, if the police are after him, never mind; her knowledge is the working factor. The neighbours will soon be proud to know him when he was young. Why trembleth the mother at opinions of others? Knowledge is a better working factor than are opinions. So with love. If you love anybody, why don’t you trust that love to straighten out the tangles between you? Never mind what is interfering. Love is stronger than death or discord. Notice how it is here given that the kingdom of harmony is his who has felt the Christ in him as the strength of him. What Jesus Christ principle is plain to you? Keep your eye on it. It will give you a heart of oak. Stand to it. Swiftness and strength are in its legs.

“Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely , for my sake.”
This gate of power being opened, the joy of the unchanging presence rushes through. Andrew is the unchanging one. To know that the presence of God in the universe is the extensiveness of your own soul is to find your own every-where-present soul. Wherever you walk you meet yourself. What should it profit you to gain the friendship of mankind as the prince of this world, and lose sight of the spreading forth of your own divine essence? The day when you, by sight of God at your center, recognize that evil speech against you is truly a subtle breath of elixir vitae, you are opened on the Andrew side and can never feel pain any more.

10. JOHN
“Rejoice, and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.”
Grace of God. Three thousand times more than you could expect of mercifulness and gracefulness. Every way you turn, rearward, forward, to right, to left, angels on angels working your miracles for you. Did you ever expect one blessing but have two instead? That was free grace. The thief on the cross asked only for one thought, and he got all heaven. This was free grace. Something wrought an easy victory for Jacob. That was free grace. How often Jesus taught that something would go before me, plead my cause and defend me. This is free grace. How much he said about my doing nothing, for something stood ready to break through my life with miracle-working in my behalf. This is free grace.

“Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.”
The son of Zebedee. That power which we have been exercising as an ambition we find being run through as beauty. Ambition is ashes. The promise is “beauty for ashes.” In this verse this savorless life drops down. The salty savor that Elisha sweetened the brackish, tasteless lot of the theological students at Jericho with, makes beauty everywhere. Notice that in this illustrative exercise the divine in man speaks through the last two gates with two over powering assertions. Through the gate of falling ambition when the divine radiance streams in, it is plain that life is worth living. Ye are the salt, the beauty giver, and the changeless wisdom of this universe.

“Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel: but on a candle stick: and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.”The light that streams because of blunders made. When you had been so steadily worldly wise that you were the wonder and admiration of your neighbours, what was that which caused you to undo the whole reputation at one stroke? That was your Simon Peter quality. Blunders enough, of that unexpected sort, would make a Jesus Christ light of you.

Emma Curtis Hopkins: "The Teacher of Teachers"

Another important New Thought teacher is Emma Curtis Hopkins. Her biography and book list is below. She was a scholar and a mystic with a deep understanding of the teaching and drew her knowledge and understanding from literary classics as well as from sacred texts. She began as a Christian Scientist and went on to become a teacher to the founders of today's New Thought churches - Unity, Religious Science and Divine Science. - Rev. Cheryl

Emma Curtis Hopkins

Emma Curtis Hopkins was born in 1853 and died in 1925.

She is called “the teacher of teachers” in the New Thought movement. Among her students were Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, founders of the Unity School of Christianity, H. Emilie Cady, author of the Unity textbook "Lessons in Truth," Ernest Holmes, founder of the Church of Religious Science, Malinda E. Cramer, co-founder of Divine Science, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, New Thought poet, as well as Frances Lord, Annie Rix-Militz, George Edwin, and Elizabeth Town.

She is also known for authoring the classics High Mysticism and Scientific Christian Mental Practice and for founding her own seminary in Chicago which was an incorporated school turning out ordained ministers recognized by the State of Illinois.

Mrs. Hopkins showed herself early to be a gifted scholar and teacher. Before she was fifteen years old, she entered Woodstock Academy in Connecticut as a student and because of her genius was given a place on the faculty as a teacher. Later in life she returned to being a student, studying Christian Science with Mary Baker Eddy and serving as editor of the “Christian Science Journal” until she went independent in 1885. Her thirst for delving deeper into the meanings of the Bible and exploring other sacred books led her to leave Christian Science which relied solely on the Bible and Mrs. Eddy’s text, Science and Health.

Mrs. Hopkins learned many of the original languages of the Bible so that she could read the text in its original languages, thereby capturing the nuances of meaning lost in inaccurate translations.

She became an independent teacher, and soon drew large numbers wherever she taught, including New York, Chicago, Kansas and San Francisco. She touched her students with the quickening power of her illumined mind enabling them to carry the message of healing and comfort to others.

She eventually settled in Chicago where she founded the highly successful Emma Hopkins College of Metaphysical Science which had a significant impact on advancing women in this field. Out of 22 individuals at the first graduation ceremony in 1889, 20 were women.

Not only did her school encourage women to take leadership roles, but Mrs. Hopkins actually based her theology on an interpretation of the Trinity based on ideas initiated by Joachim of Fiore. His ideas stated that there were three eras in the history of this traditional trio. The first was the patriarchal idea of "God the Father", the second was a time of freedom for the general population which was signified by the birth of Jesus, and the third, "the Spirit, the Truth-Principle, or the Mother-Principle," focused on the power of women. The latter element of this interpretation of the Trinity was embodied by the pioneering roles which each of these women had in helping to even the playing field of the genders.

Mrs. Hopkins lived until 1925. After her death her sister Estelle Carpenter took over, aided by a teacher, Eleanor Mel. Miss Ethelred Folsom, who had studied with Mrs. Hopkins and had accompanied her on a trip to Europe, set up an organization to perpetuate Mrs. Hopkins' influence. People were invited to attend classes in Mrs. Hopkins' teachings; her works were published and distributed under the name "The Ministry of the High Watch."

"High Mysticism" is Emma Curtis Hopkins' masterpiece, and is one of the greatest of all works based on mysticism. "When the Lord is your confidence you will never find yourself at all deceived by the ways and speech of men and women, though they be very brilliant, if they speak outside of the Principle that demonstrates healing and goodness and life."

Her books include:

High Mysticism
Resume (the practice book for High Mysticism)
Scientific Christian Mental Practice
Bible Interpretations (1891)
Class Lessons of 1888
The Gospel Series
Emma Curtis Hopkins: Forgotten Founder of New Thought
Unveiling Your Hidden Power: Emma Curtis Hopkins' Metaphysics for the 21st Century

Thursday, April 2, 2009

William Walker Atkinson, early New Thought author

I am currently reading a book by William Walker Atkinson and am impressed by his depth of knowledge as well as his presentation of the material. I researched his biography and thought I would share it with you. - Rev. Cheryl


William Walker Atkinson was and is an important and influential writer of the early New Thought Movement. He is originally from Maryland, married in 1889 to Margaret Foster Black of New Jersey and had two children. He was in business from 1882 and became a successful and prosperous attorney in Pennsylvania in 1884. He eventually experienced a physical and mental breakdown from the stress of his job and had a financial setback as well. His search for healing brought him to the New Thought movement. Using its principles, he was brought back to perfect mental and physical health and material prosperity.

Atkinson began to write about the Truths he discovered through his use of Mental Science, and in 1889 his article "A Mental Science Catechism," was published by Charles Fillmore, founder of the Unity Church, in his new periodical, "Modern Thought. " [His work will be featured in a separate post.]

In the early 1890s, Atkinson moved to Chicago, which had become a major centre for New Thought largely through the work of Emma Curtis Hopkins. [A former student of Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science, Ms. Hopkins is known as the "teacher of teachers." Her work will be featured in a future post.] He actively promoted the movement as an author and editor. In 1900 he was associate editor of the New Thought journal "Suggestion," and wrote his first book, "Thought-Force in Business and Everyday Life," a series of lessons in personal magnetism, psychic influence, thought-force, concentration, will-power and practical Mental Science.

From 1901 - 1905, Atkinson was editor of "New Thought Magazine," a publication by Sydney Flower, renowned New Thought publisher and business figure. [I do not know much about him but will research his work for a future post.] He earned a faithful readership through the poignancy and strength of his articles. During this time, he also founded his own Psychic Club and the "Atkinson School of Mental Science," both located in the same building as Flower's Psychic Research Company and New Thought Publishing Company.

Atkinson also became interested in Hinduism and collaborated with Baba Bharata, a pupil of the late Yogi Ramacharaka, after Bharata had become acquainted with Atkinson's writings. Through the use of Bharata's knowledge and Atkinson's writing talent, the two wrote a series of 13 books under Ramacharaka's name out of respect for him beginning in 1903. These books were published by the Yogi Publication Society in Chicago and reached more people than did Atkinson's New Thought works. In fact, all these books on yoga are still reprinted today. Atkinson's books on New Thought were widely circulated as well, and became popular and influential among New Thought practitioners.

In 1903, Atkinson was admitted to the Bars of Illinois, retaining his active interest in practicing the law, this time with no ill effect on his nervous system.

In addition to his law practice, Atkinson penned articles for Elizabeth Towne's magazine "The Nautilis" in 1916. Also from 1916 to 1919 he was editor of the journal "Advanced Thought," and honorary president of the International New Thought Alliance.

Atkinson wrote nearly a hundred books with many other pseudonyms including Theodore Sheldon, Theron Q.Dumont, Swami Panchadasi, The Three Initiates, and Magus Incognitus. He collaborated with Eduard E. Beals and Laurion, William De Laurence. He wrote a 6 volume series called "The Arcane Teachings," published by Arcane Books without signature. These books demonstrated his knowledge of arcane formula or meental alchemy, the cosmic laws; and vril or, vital magnetism.

William Walker Atkinson died on November 22, 1932, in California and is still considered today one of the giants of The New Thought Movement.

William Walker Atkinson was a prolific writer. His works published under his own name include:

"Practical Mental Influence" (1908)
"The Secret of Success: Self-Healing by Thought Force" (1907)
"Practical Mind-Reading"
"How to Read Human Nature"
"Law of the New Thought: A Study of Fundamental Principles & Their Application" (1902)
"Your Mind and How to Use It: A Manual of Practical Psychology " (1911)
"Suggestion and Auto-Suggestion"
"The Inner Consciousness: Your Greater Self"
"Thought-Force in Business & Everyday Life"
"Memory: How to Develop Train & Use It"
"Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic" (1912)
"Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World"* [I am currently reading this book and highly recommend it. It puts the relationship of will, volition and choice into the context of spiritual evolution which we will get into in our next discussion on 4/9. The ebook is found free at]

The following books Atkinson wrote under the pseudonym Theron Q. Dumont:

"Successful Salesmanship"
"The Power of Concentration "
"The Art and Science of Personal Magnetism"
"The Master Mind: The Key to Mental Power Development"

Also in print today are the following books:

The Complete Writings of William Walker Atkinson Vol. 1
The Complete Writings of William Walker Atkinson Vol. 2
The Complete Writings of William Walker Atkinson Vol. 3
The Complete Writings of William Walker Atkinson Vol. 4
The Complete Writings of William Walker Atkinson Vol. 5

Dynamic Thought or the Law of Vibrant Energy (1906)
Mastery of Being: A Study of the Ultimate Principle of Reality & the Practical Application Thereof (1911)
Memory Culture: The Science of Observing, Remembering and Recalling (1903
Mental Fascination (1907)
Mind & Body or Mental States & Physical Conditions (1910)
Practical New Thought: Several Things that Have Helped People (1911)
Practical Psychomancy and Crystal Gazing (1907)
Reincarnation and the Law of Karma (1908)
Subconscious and the Superconscious Planes of Mind (1909)
Telepathy: Its Theory, Facts, and Proof (1910)